Friday 22 November 2019

4 Simple Tips For Fresh Cut Flower Care in Arrangement

Flower Care Tips 

There are a few but vital things better in life than fresh flowers at our home. So, to keep your flowers fresh for as long as possible, we are going to provide you some tips here. Keep in mind that you don’t need green fingers in order to make the most out of your flower bouquet and enjoy days of extra freshness in your container. 

You can drastically increase the vase life of your cut flowers with these flower care tips:

  1. Add Flower Food

    Do you know that flower food is a concoction of bleach, citric acid (acidifier) and sugar? These three vital ingredients contained in flower food make the perfect environment for cut flowers. You can mix flower food in the water to avoid bacteria and provide added nutrients to your flowers. You can buy the food from any local florist or even online.

  2. Keep Flowers in A Cool Place

    Do you know that most of the flowers prefer temperatures between 65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit and are best displayed away from direct heating & cooling vents, sunlight as well as directly under ceiling fans, or even on top of TV or radiators, which emit heat and can cause flowers to dehydrate? Apart from this, do not place your fresh flowers near ripening fruit, which releases small amounts of ethylene gas. If you have lilies or roses with tight buds, then place them in a warm location until they open, and later transfer them to a cool one. In addition to this, if they are in a mixed arrangement, put them in their own vase in a warm place until they start to open, and after that keep them to their original vase.

  3. Cut The Base Of The Stems

    You have to cut stems at an angle about an inch off of each stem. Keep in mind that an angled cut will allow for a bigger surface area for water absorption as well as prevents the ends of the stems from sitting flat in the vase blocking water absorption. Do not damage stems while cutting! This is because damaged stems cannot drink enough water. Apart from this, when using the wrong tool, squashing, pulling, crushing and tearing of stems happens. So, avoid using a serrated knife or blunt scissors. Don’t tear flower stems with your hands and place the flower in the prepared water immediately after cutting the stem. Make sure that you have enough room in each vase for the number of stems you will be storing. This is because overcrowding will damage stems and blooms and will negatively affect the blooming process.

  4. Change Their Water

    Always clean the vase before refilling it with water mixed with the proper amount of fresh flower food. Make sure that the coolness of water is room temperature. Be no debris such as leaves and stem parts is floating in the water because this could promote the growth of bacteria which can reduce the life of the flowers.

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